Batteryless Jumpstarter (MTOTO)

Jump Starts Vehicle with 12V Battery
Capacity: 500 Farad
Start Current: 500Amp
Cranks up to 3.0L Diesel Engine and 5.0L Petrol Engine
Reverse Polarity & Short Circuit Protection
Overload & Over Temperature Protection
Spark Proof & Automatic Power Dissconnecting
Engineered to Perform 500,000 cycles (Charge & Discharge)
Withstads Extreme Temperature from
-40 Deg to + 60 Deg (-40 F to + 140 F)
100% Maintenance free
LED Display of Battery Voltage
Shelf Life: 5 Years

Purchase Enquiries

For more information on joining the BENTON distributorship or locating our nearest distributor, please write to – info@bentonbiz.com